We create engaging, delightful & accessible experiences for higher ed.

Our Services

Experience Strategy
Research & Evaluation
Ideation & Design
Prototyping & Delivery

Woman looking at charts.

Reporting that tells a story

A large part of our job is to ensure that organizational leaders can tell their story. Product design ensures that when we're solving problems, we're making it easier for leaders at all levels to tell their complete story, accurately and with supporting evidence.

Workflows that guide & support

Our institutions can't make informed decisions without data and participation from key contributors, leaders, faculty, and students.

As designers, we are tasked with defining, prioritizing, and ensuring that our top workflows support our users, allowing them to do their jobs easily and efficiently.

Man reviewing a diagram of design elements.
Man in wheelchair looking at website.

Experiences that are usable and accessible

Ensuring everyone, regardless of ability, has access to our products is table-stakes. We work hard to ensure that our solutions rank high in usability, creating accessible products that are usable by all.

Watermark's Accessibility Policy

Skills for all levels,
we train on them too.

User Experience Strategy

Customer Experience
Competitive Analysis
Stakeholder Management
Problem Framing
Strategy Development

Research & Evaluation

Generative Research & Interviews
Usability Testing (Actual and Perceived)
Contextual Inquiry
Qualitative Research
Current-state analysis

Ideation & Design

Information Design
Interaction Design
Sketching & Wireframing
Interactive Prototyping
Co-design and Critique

Prototyping & Delivery

Design System / Systems Thinking
Accessibility Evaluation
Quality Review

1. Identify & Learn

Let’s embark on a journey of discovery to learn and evaluate our assumptions about what we think we know. Let’s hear real-world stories from the field and interview users, SMEs, and stakeholders to garner knowledge beyond the Product team.

2. Analyze & Decide

Let's put together artifacts that represent what we've learned. As a team, we come together and decide on what's worth solving, and why? We frame the problem and our learning with our product counterparts to ensure clarity before jumping into solutions.

3. Ideate & Experiment

Let’s solve problems, y’all. Here we get into brainstorming and trying new, radical solutions. We ideate, we edit, and we try again, because the first ideas are often the most complacent. Let’s incorporate open-minded thinking into our solutions to break the status quo.

4. Evaluate & Iterate

Let’s critique, test, and learn some more. We use evaluative techniques like team-wide critiques, usability testing, SME interviews, and heuristic evaluations to ensure better solutions. In addition to the standards put forth by our Ripple design system, we seek to evaluate the solution beyond launch to see how it’s being used and how it can improve.

5. Delivery & Review

Let’s get things launched! We craft our delivery and implementation quality through efficient communication tools, taking part in a scaled agile framework, and conducting quality reviews to efficiently deliver meaningful value.

Our Process

Our process is always dependent on the nature of the problem, but we generally follow the human-centered design model.

What's in our toolbox?

It's not only about the tools, but it matters that we're equipped to produce our best work.